BackBit Pro Adapter for 8-Bit Systems

$10.00$20.00 USD

Add functionality to your BackBit Pro cartridge! Choose a specific system from the drop-down menu.

Unfortunately, due to time constraints from other products I can no longer provide through-hole soldering service for adapters. I am happy to provide tips and advice on the BackBit Forum for soldering adapters.

While your first adapter that comes included with the BackBit cartridge comes fully assembled, additional adapters require that you solder the 40-pin connector (no fine pitch or surface mount soldering is required). For systems that require it, you will also have to solder an edge connector and/or reset pin. Adapter cases are not included, but STLs are provided here. The only adapter that actually requires a case is the Channel F. Additionally, the ZX81, Timex Sinclair 2068 and ZX Spectrum adapters requires a rotary tool to cut down the sides edge connector after assembly.

Note: Requires a BackBit Pro Cartridge to plug into.

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The BackBit Pro Cartridge is a universal instant loading cartridge capable of interfacing with multiple vintage computers via system-specific adapters. All adapters with male edge connectors have immersion gold fingers.

Some adapters can be ordered in different configurations. For instance:

  • The Commodore 64/128 adapter comes in a straight and right angle variation. Straight is the most versatile, as it supports vertical slots (like the SX64 & C64GS), and it can stay attached when you open up a breadbin. But right angle is a fashionable option if you want the person over your shoulder to see the cartridge, or you remove the SD card often.
  • The VIC 20, Tandy CoCo, and TI-99/4A adapters have adapter cases as an option, as insertion can be fussy. For Channel F the case is required.
  • The Sega Master System adapter comes in 3 flavors: US, Japanese, and Expansion Port. The US and Expansion port versions have a built-in reset, while the Japanese requires a wire. The SG-1000 machine requires the Japanese adapter, while both the US and Japanese Master System support the expansion port. However, game compatibility is not 100% with the expansion port version.

Some adapters have advanced features:

  • Aquarius has a built-in Mini Expander via a coprocessor;
  • Amstrad GX4000 has a chip for ACID protection bypass;
  • Atari 5200 has circuitry to utilize a cartridge interlock reset mechanism. If you have an older 4-port system that has not been upgraded, you can instead use a solderless reset jumper;
  • Atari 7800 has POKEY emulation via a coprocessor;
  • Bally Astrocade has a USB-C port for power (if not using light gun pin);
  • BBC Micro has a RAM buffer to maintain signal integrity;
  • Casio PV-1000 has a RAM buffer for video requests;
  • Fairchild Channel F comes attached to a caddy, since insertion would not be possible otherwise (note that style & color may vary);
  • Magnavox Odyssey² has The Voice emulation via a 3.5mm output (must extract this file in your SD card’s root);
  • MSX has SCC emulation via a coprocessor;
  • NEC PC-6001 has an on-board 16K RAM expansion;
  • TI-99/4A has an electrically switched reset;
  • ZX Spectrum and Timex Sinclair 2068 adapters have a Kempston joystick port to hook up an Atari style joystick.

The following adapters include a solderless jumper:

  • Amstrad GX4000 (required for ACID bypass);
  • APF M1000/MP1000 (optional for 1-button reset);
  • Atari 2600 (optional for reset capability);
  • Atari 5200 (optional for reset capability on early 4-port models; not required on 2-port models or “universal” 4-port models);
  • Atari 7800 (optional for reset capability);
  • Atari 400/800/XL/XE (optional for 1-button reset);
  • Bally Astrocade (optional for power if not using USB-C);
  • Casio PV-1000 (optional for 1-button reset);
  • Colecovision/Adam (optional for 1-button reset);
  • CreatiVision/Dick Smith Wizzard (optional for 1-button reset);
  • Emerson Arcadia 2001 (optional for 1-button reset);
  • Magnavox Odyssey² (optional for 1-button reset);
  • RCA Studio II (optional for 1-button reset);
  • Sega SG-1000/SMS Japanese (optional for reset capability);
  • Vectrex (optional for 1-button reset).

See the BackBit Pro Cartridge page for more details.

Additional information

Weight 2 oz
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 in

Acetronic MPU (Soldering Required), Amstrad CPC (Soldering Required), Amstrad GX4000 (Soldering Required), APF M1000/MP1000 (Soldering Required), Apple II+/IIe/IIgs Slot (Soldering Required), Atari 2600 (Soldering Required), Atari 5200 (Soldering Required), Atari 7800 (Soldering Required), Atari 400/800/XL/XE (Soldering Required), Bally Astrocade (Soldering Required), BBC Micro B (Soldering Required), Casio PV-1000 (Soldering Required), Commodore 16/+4 (Soldering Required), Commodore 64/128 Straight (Soldering Required), Commodore 64/128 Right Angle (Soldering Required), Commodore VIC 20 (Soldering Required), ColecoVision (Soldering Required), CreatiVision (Soldering Required), Emerson Arcadia 2001 (Soldering Required), Epoch Super Cassette Vision (Soldering Required), Fairchild Channel F (Soldering + 3D Printing Required), IBM PCjr (Soldering Required), Interton VC 4000 (Soldering Required), Magnavox Odyssey²/Philips Videopac (Soldering Required), Mattel Aquarius Basic (Soldering Required), Mattel Aquarius Expander (Soldering Required), Mattel Intellivision (Soldering Required), MSX (Soldering Required), NEC PC-6001 (Soldering Required), RCA Studio II (Soldering Required), Sega Master System US (Soldering Required), Sega SG-1000/SMS Japanese (Soldering Required), Sega Master System Expansion (Soldering Required), Sinclair ZX81 / Timex Sinclair 1000 (Soldering & Cutting Required), Soundic MPT-03 (Soldering Required), Tandy Color Computer (Soldering Required), Tandy MC-10 (Soldering Required), TI-99/4A (Soldering Required), Timex Sinclair 2068 (Soldering & Cutting Required), Tomy Tutor (Soldering Required), Vectrex (Soldering Required), ZX Spectrum (Soldering & Cutting Required)


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